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本杰明•吉尔曼(Benjamin Gilman)名言名句、语录

2018-11-21 17:14 来源:笔杆子 人气: 评论(

本杰明•吉尔曼(Benjamin Gilman,1922年12月6日-2016年12月17日),又称班•吉尔曼,是美国纽约州米德尔敦的共和党议员,从1973年1月3日起到2003年1月3日为止。在国会期间,他曾担任众议院前美国国际关系委员会主席(第104届至第106届),于2011年荣获世界和平奖最高荣誉奖,并荣获2012年度最伟大的一代奖。


One of the great strengths of our nation is diversity. As individuals, we should reach out to those in our community who have different religious, ethnic, cultural or racial backgrounds.


The actions that have guided my career is to work with young leaders to strengthen their commitments to the values of democracy and open societies, and to advocate the rule of law and, most importantly, the respect for human rights in all societies.


We can't neglect other areas but the Middle East is an important area. If we can bring about peace in the Middle East, we will have done a great deal toward improving our own security.


I sorely regret that the many critical problems here at home prevent us in Congress from traveling abroad. I hope the coming year permits us to take congressional delegations to international hotspots. The press criticizes congressional travel but I find, in regard to foreign affairs particularly, it's extremely important for us to get out there. We spend millions of dollars around the world, and here we do oversight at home on those programs, and yet we're reluctant to get out there and take a good hard look and pick up the rug and see what's going on. There's an old Chinese adage that one picture is worth a thousand words; and another that you can't smell the flowers when traveling by horseback.

我非常遗憾,国内的许多关键问题阻碍了我们国会的出国考察。我希望来年能允许我们把国会代表团带到国际热点地区。新闻界批评国会考察,但特别是在外交方面,我觉得到当地去考察是非常重要的。我们在世界各地花费了数百万美元,而我们却在国内监督这些项目,但是我们不愿意去那里,好好研究一下,揭开真相,看看发生了什么。中国有一句古谚语:画意能达万言(一图胜千言); 另一个谚语是:骑马时是闻不到花香的。

Americans should always bear in mind the love of country that American veterans have shown as well as their personal sacrifices, courage, convictions, and dedication to freedom that these individuals have exhibited.


The tragic and misguided returned to violence recently by some who mistakenly believe that justice can be obtained through terrorism, death, and destruction, must end. The IRA cease fire must be restored, the bombings ended, and peaceful means and dialog resumed immediately, or the nationalist cause will suffer even greater damage in world opinion. As we once again examine at this particular time of year, the impact the Irish have had on America, and why the U.S. has a responsibility to remain engaged in the efforts to bring about lasting peace and justice in Ireland, it is worth remembering their many sacrifices and contributions to our great Nation.


The Irish in America, and their many friends have long played a role in assuring that our Government and elected leaders have not forgotten that the problems of Ireland did not end with the great famine. Together we have worked hard to insure that the people of Ireland never again face such terrible hardships, and depravation of basic human rights and human dignity.


I and our family look back over our many years of public service for six years in the New York State Government and for thirty years in the Congress, we have considered it an honor and a privilege to have been able to serve and assist our friends, our neighbors, our constituents, our State, our Nation, and many countries throughout the world in working for peace, for justice, for freedom, compassion, and tolerance.







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